
Week 1

After viewing other's blogs, I found that this very first week was surrounded by atmosphere of tension. I do agree this is the starting of the real challenge, but come on, relax please! Do not overstress just at the beginning. You have a long journey before the exam in November (This would not be the last exam!).

The day before the college reopen, I nearly involved in an accident on the way go back to Student House. It is a nightmare, I do not want to recall it, really. Anyway, I feel great to be alive. I have a nice time after that meeting with my friends. They do not change much, still so approachable and cheerful. I never regret to be here!

It is a bad idea to go through the orientation again in the new semester. We are old boys! Of cause it is boring to be introduced again about the college. We know everything they are going to say, and yet nothing has changed.

Most lecturers explained the course outline to us. Some information are really frightening, no wonder my friends all filled their blogs with 'stress'. The lecturers are so good at motivating us because it really works.

What we anticipate the most is the weekend. After doing two tests in the very first week, involving literature and wave and finishing the dreadful literature assignment (wasted half of my holiday), finally I can have some rest. But wonderful things always too short to enjoy. If not, who will appreciate it?

2 条评论:

  1. Keng chai,when u r riding, must be careful o...I do agree with u,happy n wonderful things always too short to enjoy...Hence,we must appreciate what we have...so,hehe,i will cherish u...thanks for always help me to solve problems...and teach me what u know...thanks a lot...u r really nice nice^^
