
Learning Confession

Talking about my study habit, I find that I am not the hardworking type. You will know more after you read this.

Study environment is extremely important to me. I cannot concentrate when study in my room, just because there is a bed in my room. Noisy places also never suit me. So where I should study? You should know by now.

If you ask when I study best, I would say the day before exams. I say exams, because I do not have the feeling to study even before tests. I hate boring stuffs, so repeating study never interest me.

But if I really want to study, I would be crazy. I can sit on one place the whole day to just study one things that I find particularly interesting. You may say you never see me do like that, it is just because I have not found my beloved topic!

Assignments are nightmares. I may look older after preparing a single assignment. I am not the 'assignment' type, because I like procrastinate. (P.S. who can ever do two assignments in one time?)

Lastly, rewards only work best when it is hard to get. So, I thing nothingness is the hardest but best reward.

Homework 070109

