
Centre Market

All of my group partner have wrote about the outing to Petaling Street, I think I should not become the odd one out. I really do not want to write about it just because the trip is just too common (I go out quite often). Moreover, it has been fully described by Wei Khang and Keoh Ying in their blogs. The following is their blogs address:


I feel surprise that they not even mention a word about the KL Centre Market. This is our first destination. I never go there before, but what I know 'market' must be some old and unhygienic places like those wet market in town area. Irony, the place not only is extremely clean and even is air-conditioned. The original ancient design of the building is preserved after renovation, yet some precious architecture feature is highlighted.

Behind the market is the art gallery, quite a number of artist is selling their drawing. The portraits they draw are just like the real person sitting inside. Unfortunately, the art gallery is still under repair and we saw nothing but empty hall. However, still there is a exhibition about the nuclear bomb which was exploded in Japan in 1945. I just want to emphasize that even they authority (some Japanese) is busy set up the things, but they still welcomed us in warm arm.

2 条评论:

  1. Correct me if I am wrong. We went to KL Centre Market, Petaling Street, Lunch, Popular, Pudu, Mydin.... What else? Are they in correct order. Are you stealing my idea of linking to others? HAHA...!

  2. I do not say that you are wrong, I just add in what ever you all do not notice. Just hate to report all the things, so copy your idea to link to other...
